Same-sex sexuality in later medieval English culture van

Crossing Boundaries: Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies

This volume investigates the state of same-sex relations in later medieval England, drawing on a remarkably rich array of primary sources from the period that include legal documents, artworks, theological treatises, and poetry. Tom Linkinen uses those sources to build a framework of medieval condemnations of same-sex intimacy and desire and then shows how same-sex sexuality reflectedâ??and was inflected byâ??gender hierarchies, approaches to crime, and the conspicuous silence on the matter in the legal systems of the period.

Auteur Tom Linkinen, Tom
ISBN 9789089646293 Bindwijze Hardback
95.95 Levertijd: Tijdelijk niet voorradig >> Meteen bestellen bij
Same-sex sexuality in later medieval English culture
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Categorie Non-fictie informatief/professioneel
Rubriek Geschiedenis algemeen
NUR code 680
Betrokkenen Auteur: Tom Linkinen, Tom
ISBN 9789089646293
Bindwijze Hardback
Jaar uitgave 2014
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Ja
Publicatie status Active
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