Thomas Aquinas's Relics as Focus for Conflict and Cult in the Late Middle Ages van

Crossing Boundaries: Turku Medieval and Early Modern Studies

This book offers a new way of looking at Saint Thomas Aquinas-not as a living man, but as a posthumous source of relics. Marika Räsänen delves deep into the strange relationship between Aquinas's physical remains and the devotional moments they enabled-in many cases in situations where the actual relics were not present, but were recreated verbally, pictorially, or allegorically. Both the actual relics and these extended manifestations of them, Räsänen shows, were equally real to the medieval spectator, though the question of the material presence of Aquinas's remains became increasingly important over time amid the political tumult of southern Italy.

Auteur Marika Räsänen, Marika
ISBN 9789089648730 Bindwijze Hardback
99.00 Levertijd: Reserveerbaar, verwacht 30 november 2016 >> Meteen bestellen bij
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Categorie Geschiedenis algemeen
Rubriek Middeleeuwen (500-1500)
NUR code 684
Betrokkenen Auteur: Marika Räsänen, Marika
ISBN 9789089648730
Bindwijze Hardback
Jaar uitgave 2016
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Ja
Publicatie status Active
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