Box of Wonders - Wonders are collectible van

Taxidermy elevated to fine art Aren't we all speechless at the ultimate beauty that nature has to offer? Don't we all want to capture it and indulge in these images forever? To capture animals in all their glory in such a way that it shows every flamboyant, scintillating detail is a delicate art. This book gives an overview of the history, the myths and the symbolism, the process, the most wonderful collections and interiors, decorated as true Wunderkammers, and the craftsmen and artists from past and present who elevated taxidermy to fine art. Weird and wonderful overview of the fine art of taxidermy, a world between reanimation and reincarnation. Responds to the growing interest in these cabinets of curiosity. In cooperation with the young talented Belgian, Jeroen Lemaitre.

Auteur Jeroen Lemaitre, Jeroen
ISBN 9789401435369 Bindwijze Hardback
93.06 Levertijd: Wordt verstuurd binnen: Ca. 3 werkdagen
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Box of Wonders - Wonders are collectible
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Categorie Non-fictie vrije tijd
Rubriek Lifestyle algemeen
NUR code 450
Betrokkenen Auteur: Jeroen Lemaitre, Jeroen
Auteur: Thijs Demeulemeester, Thijs
ISBN 9789401435369
Bindwijze Hardback
Jaar uitgave 2016
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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