The Day after Tomorrow van

For today's organizations, our exponentially changing world has come with great consequences. In this book, Peter Hinssen tells the story of the pioneers who managed to adapt to those changes and who moved beyond today and even tomorrow in their approach of innovation. In doing so, they were able to change the course of entire industries.Peter's book focuses on the business models of these pioneers, on the organizational culture, the talent, the mindset and the technology we should tap into in order to maximize our chances for survival in the 'Day After Tomorrow'. It will shift your perspective on your future, on the future or your company and even that of your grandchildren.

Auteur Peter Hinssen, Peter
ISBN 9789401445658 Bindwijze Digital download
23.99 Levertijd: Kijk op website voor meer informatie. >> Meteen bestellen bij
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Categorie Bedrijfskunde
Rubriek Management algemeen
NUR code 801
Betrokkenen Auteur: Peter Hinssen, Peter
ISBN 9789401445658
Bindwijze Digital download
Jaar uitgave 2017
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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