PEP talk van

Did you know that people with a full-time job spend over 80,000 hours working during their lifetime? If work makes up such a big part of our lives, why not enjoy it? In any case, work often gives us a feeling of satisfaction. It is nicer when you feel as though you aren't working but are brimming with energy, doing what you love. Then the results come naturally and are of great value for you and your organization. In the terms of this book: your Passion and Energy lead to great Performance. But it appears that, in practice, it is not always easy to retain that passion and energy at work. Even if you start your job full of enthusiasm, not everyone manages to perform at their best every day, find and retain a balance, or feel that they are doing something that matters. Whether this is down to you, the organization or the customers, there are always factors in the working environment that sap your energy. Things that stifle your passion and cause you to work on automatic pilot too often. This wasn't how you imagined it. Perhaps keeping passion and energy in your work is the same as in love: you have to keep working at it! So it makes sense for everyone who works to have a PEP Talk now and again. Dr. Jessica van Wingerden MBA MCC is Director of Research at Schouten & Nelissen and, as a researcher, is linked to Erasmus University Rotterdam. Jessica studied Sociology, Business Administration and Change Science and earned a doctorate from Erasmus University in Work and Organizational Psychology, exploring how interventions in organizations can stimulate employees' self-direction, enthusiasm and performance. Over the last 15 years she has worked in commercial and non-profit organizations, dealing with issues relating to employee and organizational development, vitality, sustainable employability and performance. Jessica is the author of various scientific and management publications. In addition, she publishes management books that make scientific concepts accessible to all: Passion, Energy, Performance. De kracht van werken met bevlogenheid (Pearson, 2012) and Verboden voor klanten, wij houden van fans. Over beleving, betekenis en bevlogenheid (Pearson, 2014).

Auteur Jessica van Wingerden, Jessica
ISBN 9789462720961 Bindwijze Paperback / softback
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Categorie Bedrijfskunde
Rubriek Management algemeen
NUR code 801
Betrokkenen Auteur: Jessica van Wingerden, Jessica
ISBN 9789462720961
Bindwijze Paperback / softback
Jaar uitgave 2017
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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