Banking for a better world van

In a world racing to meet the daunting challenges of climate change, economic inequality, population growth, and human migration, Nanno Kleiterp and Marijn Wiersma's Banking for a Better World provides an illuminating case for hope and prosperity from an unlikely source. We only need to flick through the news to find public outrage at tales of short-sighted greed in the financial world. But what happens when banks invest in long-term sustainability? In a timely and inspirational breath of fresh air, Kleiterp and Wiersma draw from over 45 years of collective development banking experience to now shine a light on the industry and its growing role while turning an eye toward an exciting future. Readers will find a fascinating example in FMO's journey laid bare. At times global in perspective, at other moments intimately personal, Kleiterp and Wiersma weave candid anecdotes with development history, banking lessons with client interviews, to deliver a powerful argument for a business model that generates profit through impact, and impact through profit. This is an important and accessible must-read for bankers, business, policy makers and civil society. Banking for a Better World will challenge readers to start finding the overlaps in their own lives and bridging the sometimes daunting distances between our personal benefits and those of our planet.

Auteur Nanno Kleiterp, Nanno
ISBN 9789462983519 Bindwijze Paperback / softback
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Categorie Economie en bedrijf algemeen
Rubriek Algemene economie
NUR code 781
Betrokkenen Auteur: Nanno Kleiterp, Nanno
ISBN 9789462983519
Bindwijze Paperback / softback
Jaar uitgave 2017
Taal eng
Druk 1
Geïllustreerd Nee
Publicatie status Active
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